Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Net.Requests

Total dependencies: 408

Some kind of a RestSharp port to PCL. This is not related to the RestSharp project at all! Supported Platforms: - .NET Standard 1.1 - .NET Framework 4 - Silverlight 5 - Portable Class Libraries (Profiles 259 and 328)
.NET Core port for
Apache log4net with support for .NET Standard/Core (trunk snapshot 20161015)
Package Description
With this library you can control your HomeMatic system.
This is a .NETStandard SDK library, used to communicate with the Xero API. See for more information
Package Description
Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET Data Access Library for JSON.
PubNub allows you to securely connect mobile phones, tablets, laptops, desktops and other clients outside of your cloud. PubNub provides the connectivity from your cloud to push data to end clients (phones, tablets, laptops and servers). This is called Real-time Data Push, or Push Notifications. Pub...
Ready to Xamarin & .NET Core, Tiny Library.
Azure Table Storage Provider for ASP.NET Identity 2.0 framework. Important! This package should be upgraded to the ElCamino.AspNetCore.Identity.AzureTable package. Check here for data migration information.
SgmlReader part for ReadSharp.Core library
Friendly wrapper/handler for the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph SDK Client. Provides a more a structured approach to using the SDK with more helpful annotations. Also includes a facility for injecting a CacheProvider. See GitHub Project link for more details: