Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Linq.Expressions

Total dependencies: 405

Simple EntityFramework testing library for FakeItEasy
Azure Function Bus
Blueberry infrastructure library
These are the core classes that provides functionality for the NDProperty Framework.
Larch is a simple structured logging framework for .net based on .net standard
A library for generating EventSource classes from interfaces at run-time
FuManchu is a text templating engine based on HandlebarsJS
Access library AmoCrm. C# Provides access to Leads \ Contacts \ Tasks and Notes
Offering you a complete abstraction of the UnitOfWork-Pattern & Repository pattern with the basic CRUD-Operations, the Repository Pattern and extended functions like CustomRepositores all in one small lib. Made for the Entity Framework Core.
The microsoft dependency injection integration library for the singularity ioc container
A library for generating logger classes from interfaces at run-time