Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.IO

Total dependencies: 545

Librerie per la creazione di un sistema di distribuzione files
又拍云NETCore.SDK,支持文件上传,分块上传,图片水印,文件访问密码,上传文件MD5验证, 返回支持有损WebP、无损WebP访问URL连接。
The NTS Topology Suite is an API for modelling and manipulating 2-dimensional linear geometry. It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. NTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification. This package references GeoAPI.
Package Description
IT-Enterprise CoreiOS for Xamarin Forms
IT-Enterprise CoreDroid for Xamarin Forms
Package Description
Shared models used in diffrent services
A custom implementation of Azure Application insight.
Authentication Models used for services
This package provides a light weight caching managment.
A custom HttpClient implementation using resilience and logging using a custom Azure Application Insight.
Package Description
The platform-specific extensions for the "More" framework.
The presentation user interface library for the "More" framework.