Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.IO

Total dependencies: 545

DotLiquid Class Library
Library that allows you to host a WebApi application inside of an Azure Functions project.
Provides the System.Resources.ResourceWriter class, which writes resources in the system-default format to an output stream. Commonly Used Types: System.Resources.ResourceWriter
Microsoft.AspNet.Http 2.0.0-alpha1
Tools for iOS projects
Генерация и верификация электронно-цифровой подписи
This package contains the TCP network channel implementation for the ObjectTransport framework. This package allows you to send and receive objects over TCP. Please see the following link for more information about installing ObjectTransport:
This is an adaption of danesparza DomainParser for .NETStandard
A collection of Extensions and helpful classes/functions. Subject to change/growth. Eg. * IsEven for all number types * Shuffle for arrays and IEnumerable (recursive shuffle, so may fail on very large lists) * IsLower, IsNumeric, ToUpper, ToLower etc for char type * FirstWord, LastWord, Capitalize, ...
Provides parsing of command line arguments related to building a SQL Connection String. Based on the CommandLineParser library.
Weloop plugin for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.IOS
Biblioteca para geração de XMLs (NF-e/NFC-e, CT-e, MDF-e, GNRE)