Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Data.SqlClient

Total dependencies: 2490

Backup any Ms Sql database to a local or network folder
LazyWeChat 的插件库 LazyWeChat Plugins repository
Logging using ILogger is super-useful, but logging directly to a database is sadly lacking. This fixes this, by having a simple SQL logging provider that is easy to setup. You can use appsettings.json or other methods to configure this in your Startup.cs. Be aware that this uses and very for...
本项目是MsSql帮助类基于.net standard2.0封装,属于UtilsSharp项目分支,依赖于Dapper
SqlServer support for Flow Engine.
Supported databases: IBM DB2 LUW/zOS, Firebird, IBM Informix, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Sql Server (+Azure), Microsoft Sql Server Compact, MySql, MariaDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SAP HANA, SAP/Sybase ASE, ClickHouse.
.NET Standard 2.1 class library for accessing AssetLabs Titanium API (See
eeCLOUD is a library that allows you to manage the DB automatically using a NoSQL approach by creating a new DB for each new Application and the memory objects inside it will correspond to the tables. By saving elements like JSON you can take advantage of different methods that allow you to work dir...
Library to break up large volumes of database data into manageable chunks. DO NOT install this seperately. Install this as a part of RingSoft.DbLookup.EfCore.
CosmosDB Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a development team to gain valuable insight and perspective into their usage of CosmosDB. The product is architected with input coming from many top industry leaders within the Cosmos DB community. Alerts are presented in a concise code-revie...
CosmosDB Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a development team to gain valuable insight and perspective into their usage of CosmosDB. The product is architected with input coming from many top industry leaders within the Cosmos DB community. Alerts are presented in a concise code-revie...
A2v10 Platform Data Layer
Library that implements Rest4GP handler working with SqlServer database
Object-relational mapper between TrackableData and MySQL for DotNet Core.
Object-relational mapper between TrackableData and Microsoft SQL Server for DotNet Core.
General .net core Extensions, Can be used in .net core console or web app
High performance database access library. Use the Speed application to generate data classes:
C# Utility for general purpose compatible with .netstandard