Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Data.SqlClient
Total dependencies: 2490
Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
Tools and extensions for working with data.
High performance database access library.
Use the Speed application to generate data classes:
Lightning quick .NET Core Digital Experience Platform - Enterprise functionalities, quick, simple and hassle-free.
Bare-metal SQLite QueryObject implementation
bulk insert using SqlBulkCopy for StockQuotes in daily format.
ThinkingHome.Migrator provider for MS SQL Server
.NET's best ORM data layer framework, one of the wood, low-key continuous update for 15 years! In the tank. Net Framework 2.0+, supported. Net Core 2.1+ supports a variety of databases, built-in database read/write separation, distributed cache, distributed locks, etc(.Net 最好用的ORM数据层框架,木有之一,低调持续更新15...
EDK4Net is a framework designed to simplify the development of applications and libraries in c#/ available for .NET Framework 4.7.2 and .NET Core 6.0. The main features of the framework are: ORM, proprietary query language, Logging, Auditing, Caching, Localization, Customized web controls for ...
Bulk Insert/Update/Delete for Sqlserver
StorageProvider to use SQLCache as Data-Store. Note: SQLCache is not a long term storage as the items will expire after 30days (default value)
SolidCore Database Manipulation Library with Customized MySql.Data Implementation
A zero latency, thread-safe logger that writes to files and / or a database.
Net5Logger - ILogger Extensions Library
Enables writing logs to TXT file or Database Table
This class is a port of DataJuggler.Net for the .Net Framework, which is used by
DataTier.Net and DB Compare to read SQL Server database schema and code generate stored procedure
driven data tiers.
The two main classes are:
SQLDatabaseConnector - A wrapper for SqlDatabaseConnection that reads data...
Specflow tests for SQL Server
IDbProviderFactory implementation for MS SQL. Used on top of VkRadio.Orm, the simple micro-ORM base library.
Spear Dapper
Custom SQL Dependency Polly cache provider. The cache entries expired when results of SQL Query are added, updated or deleted.