Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Data.SqlClient

Total dependencies: 2490

Sql fluent command API
Akka Persistence journal and snapshot store backed by PostgreSql database.
Common library for the sensenet platform containing storage and configuration-related components.
Provides a way to read JSON data from SQL Server when calling a stored procedure. Simply extends SQLJSON reader to process data from SQL Server which is returned as JSON on the table/rows/columns and returns it to the user as a string.
Minerva for SQL Server. Minerva is a light weight database helper, aim for simplify the data binding process for both parameter and return data.
Light set of classes used to allow Penguins to access MSSQL databases in a slightly-higher-level than ADO but not ORM. Created as a method of bypassing ORM for fallback without needing to reinvent the wheel in ADO. Includes some nice Database access methods as well as a method for converting an IEnu...
SQL backing repository for the Tapeti Flow package
Microsoft SQL Server implementation of ArgentSea, a .NET open source framework for accessing databases, built for simplicity, high-performance and global scale.
This package installs the library files required to create an instance of cp within an application.
Bulk insert from flat files (csv or fixed length) to sql server table, using datareader to maximize performance and memory usage.
Application's internal errors catcher. Early prealpha.
SOfCO Helpers contains various helpers that facilitate the use of core functionalities like sending emails, accessing photos from azure blob, encrypting passwords, and accessing databases
The Fluent API for Dapper & ADO.NET
Bulk operations helper for .net Standard Supports Bulk Insert, Update, Delete A fork from SqlBulkTools
Bulk operations helper for .net Core Supports Bulk Insert, Update, Delete A fork from SqlBulkTools
Sphyrnidae Common/Shared Code
Package Description
Provide a custom IDbProfiler implemenation that can capture sql commands executed against a database and some utility methods around MiniProfiler components. Core ORM SqlSugar ORM,core 1.0,High-performance, lightweight