Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter

Total dependencies: 324

The Cross-platform XAML Framework
The platform-specific extensions for the "More" framework.
A rich and elegant library for parameter-parsing that supports various syntaxes and flavors.
The 'dependencies' section lists the set of .NET Core packages that PowerShell Core depends on in Windows Server 2016 GA release of NanoServer. This package also includes the PowerShell Core runtime assemblies built for the GA release of NanoServer.
A simple scripting engine
A library for Extension Methods.
Package Description
Package Description
clean packages
BaseAnalyze client for portable applications. ;
for fun
The RESTier Core contains framework classes like API-related logic, query inspector/filter/expander/sourcer/executor, convention-based logic like model builder. Part of a framework for authoring rich api data and logic over a data source proxy. Retargeted for .NET Standard 1.1