Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter

Total dependencies: 324

a develop framework named assistant jane!
Set of classes, modules and libraries for easier implementation of features.
Redis on Steroids (Roidis) is an object hash mapper built on top of redis.
Design time hosting infrastructure for the ASP.NET MVC Razor view engine.
The core abstractions of ASP.NET MVC.
Package for Dutch Smart Meters which comply to DSMR (Dutch Smart Meter Requirements), also known as ‘Slimme meter’ or ‘P1 poort’. Support parsing DSMR V2.2 and V4.
Provides a type to represent the lack of a value. The behaviour is comparable to using nullable reference types with forced null checks before dereferencing. The package also provides a set of extension methods to enable a fluent functional pattern using Map and Filter.
Facilitates the ValueObject pattern by providing a scheme for creating value objects, as well as type conversion and serialization of value objects.
ADO.NET Data Access Layer Object Mapper for the .NET Framework, supports (.NET Core 2.0, .NET Standard 2.0 [PCL], .NET Framework 4.6)
Mono.Data.OdbcCore for linux and windows
.NET Snippets Library
HareDu is a fluent .NET library for managing and monitoring RabbitMQ clusters.
An uptime calculator that optionally supports accounting for exclusions and business hours.
SimpleNet.Core.Data and SimpleNet.Core.Data.SqlServer are ADO.NET abstraction on .NET core platform. We use EntLib's Data Accesor like capabilities to return an array of objects instead of DataTable or DataRow
Runtime-customizable type and property descriptors.
Unity.ServiceLocator Class Library
Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation (CoreClr) Class Library