Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Work guidelines for implementing CQRS using supporting infrastructure for DDD
Package Description
A generic background job logging library with SQL Server integration and optional idempotency
Set of tools to help during the creation of the DDD Domain layer
Set of tools to help during development.
Package Description
Use Clizer to easily access your written services/commands via CLI. Documentation in README on Github.
Common extensions for dotnet
URL shortening library.
Flat file generator with configurable options
CRUD Extension Methods for Dapper.
Package for using Scurri API with C#
Casual Identity Access Manager
ApiClient to consume Api Controllers with complete OData query parameters support $expand, $select, $filter, $orderby, $count, $top and $skip
EonLib core components (level B).
Client for SimpleFx
Package Description
Cosmos repository - allows storage/retrieval of documents in Cosmos. For details on how to use this package see the ReadMe file that is part of this repository.