Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

FreakingAwesome.Data - C# Functional Result and Maybe types with lots of extensions
Class library for defining an abstract Rest service.
Library for simple event sourcing
基于 Dapper 的拓展库
This package configures logging for applications, abstracting the framework used.
A part of my platform. A project for some utilized functions what I cannot find in right now.
Common Library
Library containing foundation types used for building REST services on ASP.NET Core.
Swagger related code reusable in Azure Function Applications.
General-purpose .NET framework powered with CQRS, DDD and EventSourcing patterns
Obsolete: Packages have been migrated to `Premise.Data, Premise.Web` Premise provides common generic base classes and extensions for .net vnext applications.
Atlantis.Windows is a library of common WPF classes.
.NET SDK for Profit365 API.
Provides easy construction of database connection, attribute-based table mapping, and creation of primitive SQL.
Miruken Mvc Castle