Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Provides a .NET REST client implementation of GitLab API.Support Version : V3、V4 and OAuth! (UDIntel forked version)
The extensions for EntityFrameworkCore which automate the ModelBuilder registration for Relational Database
Data Contracts for (de)serialize ISO20022 XML messages
Biblioteca de modelo de dados e modelos canônicos de transferência de dados.
Interfaces de manutenção de dados. Busca padronizar entidade para uso em disparo automático
A set of helper classes that we use in our projects
A set of helper classes that we use in our projects
Standardizing Entity Framework architecture. Adding in helpful tools such as a generic repository pattern and bulk actions.
Package Description
App Impact Core library.
A collection of simple utilities, data types, and extensibility frameworks for dependency injection (MEF), logging, caching, and serialization.
A framework designed to support the rapid development of applications that adhere to the Domain Driven Design architectural style.
This package includes a .NET Standard 2.0 library for consuming the NLS RESTful API (i.e. NSP API).
Package Description