Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Firely's SDK for working with HL7 FHIR STU3. This is the root package for the SDK includes core functionality to working with RESTful FHIR servers, POCO classes for FHIR, parsing/serialization of FHIR data and working with conformance data and terminologies.
Package Description
CRUD for Dapper
You hate verbatim SQL queries with zero type safety for your code but you love the speed? Dapper.FastCRUD is built around essential features of the C# 6 / VB that have finally raised the simplicity of raw SQL constructs to acceptable maintenance levels. These features leave no chance t...
ServiceStack is a simple and fast alternative to WCF, MVC and Web API in one cohesive framework for all your services and web apps that's intuitive and Easy to use! To get started see:
Rapid OPC client development. Supports OPC Data Access, XML-DA, Alarms&Events and Unified Architecture (OPC UA), including PubSub. Allows procedural coding, live binding (code-less development), live mapping, and reactive programming models. Works with .NET Framework and .NET Standard on Microsoft W...
EasyDynamo is a small library that helps developers to access and configure DynamoDB easier. Different configurations can be applied for different environments (development, staging, production) as well as using a local dynamo instance for non production environment. Supports creating dynamo tables ...
ASP.NET Core InputFormatter, OutputFormatter for IList CSV data
.NET Standard 2.0 version of ServiceStack.OrmLite
Provides an intuitive approach to JSON, including its structure, serialization, JSON Schema, JSON Path, JSON Pointer, and JSON Patch.
Quadient Data Services Client
C# .NET Framework4.5版本工具类
Theraot.Core is a .NET Backport (ValueTask, ValueTuple, Task, Expressions, Linq, ThreadLocal, IsExternalInit, Range, Index, etc...) for .NET Framework. .NET Core, .NET Standard
GraphQL for .NET
Gelf4NLog is an NLog target implementation to push log messages to GrayLog2.
CSLA .NET provides a home for your business logic. It is an application development framework that reduces the cost of building and maintaining applications. The framework enables developers to build an object-oriented business layer for their application that encapsulates all business, authorizatio...
Common application functionality and features to be shared across the framework
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Xamarin DataForms control and more.
Gravity API core functionality, which can be hosted as a service on platforms like Console Application, ASP.NET Web API, Service Fabric Service, .NET Core application, WCF Self-host, etc. FREE register at "" in order to be able to use Gravity ...
common libarary,extensions helpers and useful utilities