Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.CodeDom

Total dependencies: 251

Not Available
Open source implementation of the T4 templating engine This package allows embedding the T4 engine in an application. * To install as a dotnet global or local tool, use `dotnet-t4` instead. * To install in a project as a `DotNetCliToolReference`, use `dotnet-t4-project-tool` instead.
Provides additional MSBuild tasks.
GPA Gemstone IO Library
Package Description
Paquete para ejecución de reglas v2
A .NET class library to access native NT API system calls
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
v6.0.0.0 .net 6 v. 消息队列订阅是抛出异常 v3.0.5.46 增加获取授权文件有效期方法 v3.0.5.45 增加授权文件解析类 v3.0.5.44 扩展mysql支持 v3.0.5.43 增加调用webServiceSOAP方法 v3.0.5.41 & 42 修改日志生成到队列发送用户名控制器、方法名称 v3.0.5.39 & 40 1.修改读取日志消息队列配置,设置到app.json文件中 v3.0.5.38 1.修改所有配置读取,全部读取app.json文件 2.修改数据查询时访问统计SQL信息 v3.0.5.36 删除日志调用堆栈信息 v3.0.5...
T4 templating engine for .NET Core.
Development kit for the generation of LR and RNGLR parsers programmatically or in command line. Full API for the manipulation of context-free grammars.
This package is required for securing .NET Core applications. Note: Please make sure you are using the same nuget package versions for your applications as of VisualGuard WinConsole. If you have the Visual-Guard WinConsole Runtime version '2020.3.2311.24', you must have all packages wit...
iCom integrates a variety of specific operation classes, such as: Cookie, Items, Cache, Form, DbContext, DbDynamic, DbConn, SqlQuery, FileUtil, FileUpload, Crypto, BarCode, StringUtil, TypeConvert, SortList, DateUtil, RegexUtil, Environal, ReflectUtil, HttpClient, ImageUtil, XmlUtil, ZipPackage, Wo...
This package provides a core VisualGuard library, for accessing VisualGuard runtime and VisualGuard entities. Ex. Create user, Authenticate user, Create Role, Create Group, Create permission, Grant/revoke role to a user, Grant/revoke permission to role, etc. Note: Please make sure you a...