Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.CodeDom

Total dependencies: 251

NetModular Module CodeGenerator(代码生成) - Infrastructure
Create VertiGIS Mobile apps for Android, iOS, and UWP. Extend your apps with custom components, operations and services.
Autofac diagnostics support to enable DOT graph visualization of resolve requests.
Code Generator Toolkit for C# and TypeScript
Framework that gives you an efficient way to create automated tests for the Kentico Xperience API. Provides base classes for tests and additional supporting API.
This project is the .Net Core version of System.Speech.dll.
fluorinefx Client with .Net Standard 2.0 support
The runtime assemblies for libraries and applications that use DXP API.
DCMS Module CodeGenerator(代码生成) - Infrastructure
A fork of Cronos with a focus on being a Time Series class library.
This framework aims to implement the concept of graph expression in the .NET language. With this framework it is possible to create any kind of searches on complex or circular objects in a way similar to what JQUERY does in JavaScript.
A .NET Standard port of the Mvp.Xml project developed by Microsoft MVP's in XML technologies and XML Web Services worldwide.
Tx (LINQ to Logs and Traces) Windows TypeGeneration component
C# 开发的.Net框架下的RPC服务,路线:已经开发好的程序如何快速实现RPC.
Package Description
Useful C# Stuff for .NET Standard 2.0
This project is a still work in progress port of LinqToXsd to .NET standard 2.1.
This is a fork of that is found by Vasili Maslov. It has been modified by Duc Vu Nguyen to be compatible with .Net Standard 2.0. If you want to render some video sequence, and do not want to touch DirectShow or depend on command-line utilities - SharpAvi may be ...
Port of OpenNLP that targets .NET Standard 2.0 - C# port of the Java OpenNLP tools retrieved from