Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SpecFlow

Total dependencies: 278

Automation support for CompUI
Library for adding a block to the appsettings.json configuration file for adding variables to scenarios
A bootstrap package for using Selenium with NUnit and Specflow
SpecFlow extensions for Mara
SpecFlow step definitions aimed at testing REST apis
Specflow Generic Http Steps for testing APIs
Infrastructure and tools for creating SpecFlow tests.
A set of Specflow bindings for functional testing of HTTP services
Integration between SpecFlow and WebAutomation. For more details see Project Site.
Bindings and types for making use of CSF.Screenplay with the SpecFlow BDD framework
Helper library for writing API specs with OWIN and SpecFlow
Just another try.
A SpecFlow plugin that provides a generic way to implement a custom DI container
SpecFlow plugin for xUnit that provides conditional Ignore tests functionality
Only use for my private projects. This is a core to support using Specflow and SpecRun with basic Step generated.
Support for SpecFlow running on .NET Core 2.0
Provides helper classes for Selenium acceptance testing.