Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SpecFlow

Total dependencies: 278

Allows using Cucumber Expressions with SpecFlow v3.3
Specflow tests for WebApi services
Extends SpecFlow to allow variants of a test to be run using tags
Configures SpecFlow to be able to easily use Selenium for WebTesting. Makes it possible to annotate a scenario with the browser it's supposed to work with. Contains SauceLabs IWebDriver implementation which has utility methods to update test status.
Package provides a ready to use SpecFlow steps for all commonly used actions based on WebAutomation framework. For more details see Project Site.
Out of the box test automation framework utilizing SpecFlow, Coypu, Selenium and a page object pattern for automated UI testing.
Out of the box test automation framework utilizing SpecFlow for API testing.
Package Description
This package contains SpecFlow steps definitions which allow you to reuse scenario steps
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
An enhancement to Specflow DSL to be able to use dynamic test data in specflow steps by bringing in variables, regular expressions and simple calculations. **Examples**: - Create dynamic test data and refer it in another step When enter [[var=50]] //assign 50 to a variable named "var" Then [[var]...
Collaborate with business using Given/When/Then directly in Excel. SpecFlow.Plus.Excel is a SpecFlow extension that allows authoring Gherkin scenarios in Excel and directly executing them from there
Collaborate with business using Given/When/Then directly in Excel. SpecFlow.Plus.Excel is a SpecFlow extension that allows authoring Gherkin scenarios in Excel and directly executing them from there
Implements tools to help in unit and BDD tests.
This package provides facilities for writing unit, integration and end-to-end tests using SpecFlow.
CodeSpec is a framework that is created to allow users to write UI tests without writing a single line of test code.
Joyride's Behavior Driven Development (BDD) binding layer with built-in mobile steps
Coded UI plug-in for SpecFlow