Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SharpDX.XAudio2

Total dependencies: 30

DirectX Version of the Delta Engine, uses SharpDX. The Delta Engine allows you to develop applications and especially games for many different platforms (mobile, tablets, console, PC) completely under Windows with .NET or native C++ by using your favorite tools.
MonoGame is an open source implementation of the Microsoft XNA 4.x Framework. The goal is to make it easy for XNA developers to create cross-platform games with extremely high code reuse. This package provides you with MonoGame Framework that uses DirectX for rendering and works on Windows.
Assembly providing DirectX - XACT3 managed API.
Sparkiy custom fork of MonoGame
A MonoGame-based development framework for Windows Store games
MonoGame 适配多种设备分辨率运行库。
SharpDX wrapper. With this library you can make 2D game with ease!
Package Description