Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SharpDX.Direct2D1

Total dependencies: 87

A modified version of D2DControl for use by libReloaded, a component of Reloaded Mod Loader.
DirectX Platform specific UI rendering ... part of effort to have cross platform UI stack based on XAML. Targets Windows 7 Desktop scenarios.
Sparkiy custom fork of MonoGame
Sharp2D.Direct2D.Effects 可以使用此类库实现UIElement高斯模糊 参见
Textbox with Hilight and Regex and Folding
WPF Control for Direct2D with SharpDX
The Perspex UI framework
Yato.DirectXOverlay offers an easy to use interface for basic Direct2D drawing on any Window. You can also create transparent windows to do your drawing on top of any other window. Transparent windows optionally stick to their parent.
Direct2D based watermark/captcha tool.
Package Description
SharpDX wrapper. With this library you can make 2D game with ease!
NGraphics for UWP