Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on SharpDX.Direct2D1

Total dependencies: 87

System.Graphics for UWP powered by SharpDX
Contains functionality to read, write and manipulate image data using various common image formats such as DDS, TGA, PNG, etc...
Real-time 2D rendering utilities based on SharpDX/Direct2D.
Assembly providing DirectX - DirectComposition managed API.
The MonoGame runtime for Windows using DirectX API's.
Seeing# is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
SeeingSharp is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
Seeing# is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
SeeingSharp is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
SeeingSharp is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
The VL core node library.
SeeingSharp is a 3D/2D rendering library for C# powered by Direct3D. It is meant for desktop applications (Win.Forms, Wpf) or Windows Store Apps
The MonoGame runtime for UWP (Universal Windows Platform) which supports Windows 10 and Xbox One.
Methods for rendering visual tree into an image file or WriteableBitmap.
Provides various internal and external overlays which may be used for Reloaded Mod Loader mods. Included are DX9 Overlay, DX11 Overlay, WPF Overlay, D2D-WPF Overlay, D2D-WinForms Overlay. For examples of usage, refer to the mod loader's mod samples included in the main Github repository.
An easy to use Direct2D1 drawing library with the ability to create transparent click-through windows.
OxyPlot is a plotting library for .NET. This package targets WPF applications.