Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Lightweight and implementation-free interfaces for ServiceStack

Total dependencies: 105

Package Description
Azure authentication using Azure Graph Unified 2.0 endpoints support for ServiceStack. Supports multi-tenant authorization through Azure. This package includes the ServiceStack plugin and supporting services.
Service contracts for the EC English API
Azure authentication using Azure Graph and the 2.0 endpoints support for ServiceStack. This package includes OrmLite implementations of the required services to support multi-tenant Azure authentication in your ServiceStack app.
Azure authentication using Azure Graph and the 2.0 endpoints support for ServiceStack. This package includes client models, request objects and interface declarations.
Dll for Core App Servvice
This package is no longer maintained as the PCL builds have been merged into the main "ServiceStack.Client" NuGet package.
Campfire Adapter for the NBot chatbot.
Zapster XRP Payment Gateway is a FREE and convenient way to accept XRP payments from your website directly to your XRP Wallet. We provide Instant Payment Notification services for XRP Payments with no fees or transaction costs. This is an Asp.Net Client SDK for integration with Zapster API V1.
Package Description
A library containing service models used by neo4j manager
Azure Service Bus MQ Server option for ServiceStack
A strongly typed package to wrap the Intrinio FinTech data api ( Author not affiliated with intrinio in any way, not does this come with any warranty. Contributions welcome.