Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog

Total dependencies: 1928

An IRC library offering simple implementation and versatile capability.
An EventSourcing library
An EventSourcing library. Test helpers.
An EventSourcing library
Serilog integration for the Opeartions framework
Sofenia search engine's query library (managed). Go to
This package contains async RPC API to communicate between components over chosen transport.
This package contains Hosting to wire Milde infrastructure to your application.
This package implements the Dynamic Serialization of json objects
A simple HTTP notifier for Seq
Nancy plugin for application-wide logging using Serilog
.NET Core beta version of Bounce.Framework
A .NET implemention of SWIM
A C# library that helps your code be fault tolerant, and resolve unexpected errors by using resilient clients/operators.
Extensions to start Ngrok automatically from the AspNetCore pipeline. Useful for local development when a public URL is needed.
A C# library that helps your code be fault tolerant, and resolve unexpected errors by using resilient clients/operators.
Asynchronous TCP C# library for client applications.
Package Description