Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog

Total dependencies: 1928

Logger to ELK through Logstash http plugin (
No description.
Serilog event sink that writes to a Couchbase cluster using the Couchbase .NET client library.
Server-side logic for hosting MessageVault in your Windows Azure Cloud Service. To get started - include this package and add a WorkerRole instance.
Serilog event sink that writes to a CouchDB database over HTTP.
C# API for Seq creating hosted apps.
Serilog event sink that writes to the service.
Provides Serilog logging integration for .NET Core projects.
RESTful HTTP client repository framework for Bix
This library contains most of the logic for ModSink.
[Obsolete] Serilog provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
A bridge from Vostok ILog interface to Serilog ILogger.
Extends PipelineFramework to enable LightInject DI container for pipeline construction and execution
This is a fork of serilog-sinks-graylog that aims to provide a stable release schedule and enteprise grade performance, as well as a semver based versioning strategy.
CloudLog Serilog Sink
Apply systemwide resilience strategies consistently across subsystems, standing on Polly's shoulders
Provides a Redis backed Microsoft Orleans Stream Provider implementation.
Serilog SendGrid Email Sink
HTTP client tools for Bix
Package Description