Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog

Total dependencies: 1928

Serilog event sink that writes to Azure Table Storage over HTTP.
Enriches Serilog events with information from an assembly. The package includes SourceSystemEnricher and SourceSystemInformationalVersionEnricher.
A security package for Umbraco. Lock down an Umbraco website from viewers. Only users who are logged into the backoffice can see the public website.
Send log events to custom topics in Azure Event Grid
Support for combination of settings from multiple sources for Serilog
ZeroSlope Infrastructure Library
This package contains attribut support for the sensitive information enricher.
mx51 Instore Simple Payments Integration (SPI) API
PS.Common.Services.ServiceBus.Nuget Description
Judopay Xamarin SDK - Supports .NET Standard 2.0, iOS and Android
A lightweight YAML-based Windows server configuration tool - this is the library used for custom task plugins.
Serilog event sink that writes to a SignalR-Hub.
Create issues in YouTrack from Seq ( entries in one click.
WASP to ANT+ Class Library
The core package for Stryker.NET. Used by other Stryker packages to run. Please install a Stryker.Runner.* package to use this package.
Umbraco Health Check Contribution Library
Extensions for creating new columns in sql Server for Serilog Table
Listens to ETL diagnostics data and send to http
Package Description