Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog.Sinks.Console

Total dependencies: 555

Using logging in a smarter way with IOC by automatically enriching logs.
Wrapper around RabbitMQ
BrightstarDB is a fast and scalable NoSQL database for .NET with code-first data model generation. This package installs the BrightstarDB libraries alone without any code-generation support.
Package Description
Package Description
Sop.Spider a .NET Standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
Internal Use Common Functions
Schedule your jobs using cron expressions. -just update your schedulrsettings.json as what you want. -use like below lines in your Program.cs SchedulrManager.Build("My Service"); SchedulrManager.Add(() => { Console.WriteLine("Foo"); }); Schedu...
Task Management Tool-Common
Package Description
MS logging with serilog
Plugga.Core lets you quickly create modular ASP .Net Core applications searching, loading and configuring any "pluggable" component. Pluggable components are a little set of commonly used objects as Controllers, DbContexts, Razor Pages, SignalR Hubs, HostedServices, static assets and, of course, you...
YYApp Serilog common and defaults
Wrapper for Serilog ILogger to provide source code information and enable SMS logging
The IppOAuth2PlatformSdk is a set of .NET classes that make it easier to make OAuth2 calls for the Intuit's APIs. This is a stripped off version from the main QBO V3 SDK just for making OAuth2 API calls.