Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Serilog.Sinks.Console

Total dependencies: 555

Collection of Common Logging Frameworks to improve code re-usability within projects.
The Hypar client.
OpenMod Runtime
Hopex Application Server Commons
Onsharp is C# wrapper for the Onset Game.
Package Description
Base logger for the WorkflowServer and DWKit.
Package Description
A client for manage the free open source home automations software Home Assisstant written in .net core 3. Please see for docs.
Centralized configuration management support for .Net.Standard 2.0
Sitko.Core is a set of libraries to help build .NET Core applications fast
Implements base web application host with extensible modules.
State Machine Framework
This library contains the basic to start wpf application
Package Description
DevPrime Observability
Wisecons SDK (Web helpers)
The core package for Stryker.NET. Used by other Stryker packages to run. Please install a Stryker.Runner.* package to use this package.
实体对象基类,及其常用操作。 常用操作包括:对象转换、序列化、日志、常用异常处理、依赖注入。
WASP to ANT+ Class Library