Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Selenium WebDriver

Total dependencies: 550

I provide Selenium webdriver support for UiMatic.
This Package is designed and written for open source usage whenever the QA engineer wants to test on any browser that is supported by seleniumHQ libraries.
C# 爬虫支持多线程等
A library to make the .NET implementation of Selenium Webdriver easier to work with.
Factory and PageObject support for Selenium use with SpecFlow.
It has funcions to open Chrome-IE-Opera, to get text, set text, accept the browser warning messages/alert window, work with tables, it will save your time for these common tasks.
Reads element definition from JSON file and convert into Selenium IWebElement
Extension methods to use with Selenium
A lightweight lib that wrapper Selenium Webdriver commands using the Cascade Design Pattern.
It is a wrapper library to use Selenium in MSTest. Preparing such as Selenium is a little easier. The screenshot will be output to the result of MSTest when you use the method that was prepared. Get a screen shot that is output as Excel.
Winium WebDriver for .NET
Helper for seleniun webdriver
A page object pattern implementation for Selenium WebDriver
PBDesk.Selenium.Extension C# Common & Useful Wrapper Utility Library over Selenium Web Drivers build for .Net 4/4.5/4.5.1