Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Selenium WebDriver

Total dependencies: 550

Bellatrix is a cross-platform, easily customizable and extendable .NET test automation framework that increases tests’ reliability.
Package description
Headless browser for TAF web testing.
Extension methods for testing layout in selenium
Various extension methods for the Selenium.Webdriver to make interacting with the browser easier and more natural.
Extension to CSF.Screenplay, providing an ability, actions and tasks for Selenium WebDriver for web UI testing using the Screenplay pattern
Aurochses.Xunit.Selenium is a library for creating xUnit tests for Selenium.
Auto testing with SpecFlow and Selenium
Add logs to your selenium tests. Outputs: 1. Console 2. Output - debug window 3. Coming Soon..
Common components to support the projects for the SpecByExample Visual Studio extension. The extension offers an intuitive way to create a testing-solution for a Specification by Example approach to automated testing of webbased application.
Marquee is an open source, Selenium based, UI Automation library written in F#.
Testing framework made for learning purposes.
Package Description
Library to facilitate the construction of process automation.
A stable, simple selenium framework for building DRY, well organized automated tests. Page Components are a continuation of hte page object model. They represent small, reusable blocks of application logic that can be pieced together into larger page objects. They essentially act as a middle laye...
Sample nuget package framework - do not use - not for production
Supports the creation of Domain-Specific Languages for test automation. Selenium support.