Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebDriver Support

Total dependencies: 457

Package Description
Test abstraction for CRM D365 UI testing based on selenium for Microsoft D365
Test abstraction for web ui testing based on selenium and specflow test framework
Screenshots extensions, like screenshot a entiry page. For examples of usage, see the github project page.
Log Selenium WebDriver events to
Seleno helps you write automated UI tests in the right way (using Selenium WebDriver).
Provides a basic C#, Selenium, nUnit3, Specflow v3, HttpClient and RestSharp based automation framework along with all the necessary dependent packages. So when a Unit Test Project Type is created in Visual Studio, delete the default MS Test references added in the project and remove the defau...
A library for Web automations
Library for handling Selenium functionalities.
API that facilitates writing WebDriver-based interaction tests for qx.Desktop and qx.Mobile applications by abstracting away the implementation details of qooxdoo widgets.
Contains Nugets: 1. Selenium 2. ChromeDriver 3. Extentreports (html loger)
Sourcery for SauceLabs - Unlocking SauceLabs capability (Commercial product from Only $99.)
Earthware's selenium helpers, containing WebDriver extension methods, a data generator, base NUnit tests, and a set of BrowserStack drivers. See the GitHub readme for more details.
NSpectator`s Selenium toolset is a ready-to-use PageObjects for pragmatic development of browser automation and Web user interface acceptance tests and verification. Enjoy using fluent configuration, sessions and page objects to write tests as fast as you think it should works!
Extension methods for running MultiBrowser Selenium WebDriver tests
Fork of SpecsFor.Mvc project. It is fixed to work with Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6