Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on WebDriver Support

Total dependencies: 457

Contains helpers for BIDS application testing
Allows you to automate SimpleBrowser, the C# headless browser from code using Selenium webDriver. SimpleBrowser is a lightweight, yet highly capable browser automation engine designed for automation and testing scenarios.
Fluent Automation is a simplified DSL for web application automation testing.
A handful of useful base object classes and extension methods for wrapping a Selenium WebDriver in an Event Firing WebDriver. Among these are console logging of driver actions, screenshots when tests run into errors, and waits on javascript execution.
Write maintainable UI tests with Selenium using Tranquire
Basic utilities for performing UI tests based on selenium on CI servers.
UI Automation Framework using SpecFlow and Selenium WebDriver
A set of extension methods for Selenium Web Driver as well as standard Polly retry policies for use in developing service-based web automation.
Extensions and Helpers for UI automation framework
[DEPRECATED] Use Install-Package Objectivity.Test.Automation.Common.NUnit Install-Package Objectivity.Test.Automation.Common.Features or Install-Package Objectivity.Test.Automation.Common.MsTest instead
Provide useful utility methods and classes that can be used by Selenium based tests
Various utility methods for Selenium from .NET. (Use jQuery or Sizzle css selectors, wait on ajax operations, check client-side exceptions, switch to/from new window)
Configures SpecFlow to be able to easily use Selenium for WebTesting. Makes it possible to annotate a scenario with the browser it's supposed to work with. Contains SauceLabs IWebDriver implementation which has utility methods to update test status.
A set of automation tools.
Visual Testing framework to allow tests written in Selenium to compare screenshots and highlight any differences
Extension package for Selenium API. Adds advanced and complicated Selenium actions into Selenium API. Allows bi-directional interaction with Selenium. This package will not affect any current Selenium implementations it will only add extension methods to Selenium API.
.net spider for
Out of the box test automation framework utilizing SpecFlow, Coypu, Selenium and a page object pattern for automated UI testing.
WebDriver extension methods to make WebDriverWait easier to use.