Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL

Total dependencies: 464

Database helper classes such as Repositories, Unit of Works with Entity Framework Core
Package Description
PostgreSql storage for cloudscribe.Forms, a custom forms and surveys solution for ASP.NET Core
PostgreSql Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe ILogRepository, using snake case tables and fields
PostgreSql Entity Framework Core implementation of commands and queries for Dynamic Authorization Policies for ASP.NET Core
Implementation of Wheel.Data for PostgreSql databases. Wheel.Data provides an abstraction layer for access to databases, execution of stored procedures, and configuration of EntityFrameworkCore DbContext classes.
Secure Token Service, IdentityBase web interface
PostgreSQL database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
Autumn.Mvc.Data.EF.Npgsql is aspNet Core extension that will make it easier for you to write your REST Data Repository APIs based on EntityFrameworkCore PostgreSQL. Its purpose is to convert a query in RSQL format to lamba expression and to provide a pagination mechanism. Install it and test it! (sh...
Kotas utilities - a library for data access via entity framework
Entity Framework layer for the administration of the IdentityServer4 and Asp.Net Core Identity with PostrgreSQL support
Package Description