Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL

Total dependencies: 464

NodaTime support plugin for PostgreSQL/Npgsql Entity Framework Core provider.
NetTopologySuite PostGIS spatial support plugin for PostgreSQL/Npgsql Entity Framework Core provider.
Extension for Entity Framework Npgsql for Bulk Copy
Package Description
EntityFrameworkCore Boot Kit (EFBK) is a quick start database connecter for using EntityFrameworkCore. Support variety of databases such as Sqlite, MySql, SqlServer, PostgreSql, MongoDb, Amazon Redshift, AWS Aurora and Memory database.
MSFramework is a lightweight DDD framework
EntityFrameworkCore PostgreSQL migrations for Quartz.NET
PostgreSQL/Npgsql provider for Entity Framework Core.
基于EF Core的Code First模式的DotNetCore快速开发框架
Elsa is a set of workflow libraries and tools that enable super-fast workflowing capabilities in any .NET Core application. This package provides an Entity Framework Core persistence provider.
The library enables to create/use different engine databases for consuming Route4Me system. Supported database engines: - MsSql (SqlExpress, LocalDb) - MySql - PostgrSql - SQLite The library is done in the c# (.net core) envirnoment and it's platform-independent.
Library for exprorting 1C:Enterprise 8.x platform's event log files to PostgreSQL database
Package Description
PostgreSql (pgsql) Entity Framework configuration and operational stores for IdentityServer4 cloudscribe multi-tenant identity integration
PostgreSql Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe core storage
Geospatial library for .NET Standard.
PostgreSql (pgsql) Entity Framework configuration and operational stores for IdentityServer4 cloudscribe multi-tenant identity integration
Provides support to persist workflows running on Workflow Core to a PostgreSQL database.
PostgreSql Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe SimpleContent commands and queries