Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

腾讯云IM服务端Sdk .NetCore实现
This package adds custom json serializer settings and contract resolvers for wide use in many concerns.
Flat File Converter for .NET DataTable/Json String/Dynamic Object
WeAreOne is a radio station family hosted in Germany. Probably the most famous radio station is the TechnoBase.FM, but there are 6 more: ClubTime.FM, CoreTime.FM, HardBase.FM, HouseTime.FM, TeaTime.FM and TranceBase.FM. With this library You can access all 7 radio's tracklist.
Package Description
Package Description
The Open FIGI Client is a .Net Standard (2.0) REST library for querying the OpenFIGI database.
Package Description
Limited Unsplash API for .NET
Additions and extensions for .NET web-applications, ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core.
Voice Model (Alexa and Google Assistant object models)
Easy wrapper for Ahrefs API in C#
An update package that gets the latest version of your software from github/latestRelease
Compact JSON serialization for Microsoft Dynamics 365/CRM/Dataverse entities
A translator library built over Microsoft Text Translator
Dummy Test
NetPointDNS is a library for interacting with the PointDNS API.
The .Net standard library for send the Message to Microsoft Team Conversation via Office365 Incoming Webhook