Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

This library is deprecated in favor of Fed.Fred and will receive no more updates.
A .NetStandard class library that allows the client to make any type of HTTP request
Package Description
A .Net library for interacting with the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) API. This is a free package. If this project helps you reduce time to develop, please make a donation via our project page. It encourages us to keep making the package better and more efficient. Thank you.
.NET Core Client of the Kong
Package Description
ET-Platform服务端的热更模块(热更层需要引用的模块) ET是一个开源的游戏客户端(基于unity3d)服务端双端框架,服务端是使用C# .net core开发的分布式游戏服务端,其特点是开发效率高,性能强,双端共享逻辑代码,客户端服务端热更机制完善,同时支持可靠udp tcp websocket协议,支持服务端3D recast寻路等等 ET版本为4.0,master,commitID:e981155(2019-03-13 18:40) ET-Platform是对ET的一个整合(修改了部分源码),使之能够更为方便的引用,让框架部分和使用者的代码部分分离更完全 使用说明请访问项目...
Client part of HRS.HealthCheckMonitor
ASP.NET Core Configuration for Google Cloud.
At runtime get deployment information for the Azure App Service Deployment. It is easy and simple to obtain the following information: * DeploymentID * BuildId * ReleaseId * ReleaseName * BuildNumber * ReleaseNumber * CommitId * RepoName * RepoProvider * SlotName
Simple to use implementation of Faceit Data Api Version 4. You can use it for commercial and non commercial use (MIT LICENSE). Have fun :D
A .Net library for Quandl API
this is description
Package Description
Razor Email Template Activity is an activity created for Uipath to generate HTML email body using Razor engine in a few handy and hassle-free steps. Now onwords all new development/version will publish with nuget package id "Emtec.RazorEmailTemplate.Activities"
Provides concrete repositories to access to MongoDB.
Salt API Simple package