Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Nancy

Total dependencies: 295

Type-safe client-server communication for C# featuring Bridge.NET and Nancy.
NancyFx adapter for Yllibed Versatile Http Server
A library that allows usage of JsonPatch with Nancy
A Nancy Module capable of mounting an annotated interface and provides transversal filtering capabilities.
Cluster workload distribution framework
The NancyFX extension package for Http Problem Details according to RFC 7807.
Framework da Tria Software contendo diversos métodos para uso.
Official C#/.NET wrapper for the SMSGlobal API
Package Description
Nancy plugin for application-wide logging using Serilog
Cache library that integrates with Nancyfx
This is a port of the Nancy.Metadata.Swagger that works for newer Nancy versions
Nancy bootstrapper for the Grace container
The base library for integrating NancyFx for Cosmos.Logging.