Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Nancy

Total dependencies: 295

Installs a NancyFx Module that provides language detection as a web endpoint. The host project is responsible for providing the hosting services for Nancy as described here The motivation for providing this as a non-hosted solution it give consumers a choice of...
Nancy module for exposing a health check endpoint backed by Hihaj.HealthCheck.
FileUploader extensions for the nancyfx framework
A library to extend your response payload with the Collection+Json hypermedia media type
AWS DynamoDb persistence for Nancy sessions
Provides a basic response builder to help with Nancy responses.
Core flash message functionality for Nancyfx
A base library to support passing settings from server side (ie. web.config) to client side.
Simple custom error handling for Nancyfx projects
Amanda is a library that makes exposing an API via Nancy even easier
An endpoint implementation for the residence store protocol, as a Nancy Module.
Session providers for Nancy web framework. Currently, the MemorySessionProvider supported. SessionStart and SessionEnd events supported.
Adds Nancy view location conventions for mobile views suffixed with -mobile
Nancy does not have a way to modify model after the route has been executed. The only option is to modify the serialized form. With this add-in it becomes possible to add custom processing of models once the route has been executed but before the result has been serialized.
Simple session store for Nancy using in memory cache
Adding the OData URL conventions to Nancy.
Integrated Elmah logging in Nancy
Channel file for Facebook to address issues with cross domain communication in certain browsers.