Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NUnit
Total dependencies: 968
Testing framework made for learning purposes.
Framework for creating high-performance servers with domain object models.
C# full managed implementation Pcap/PcapNG file format
LogoFX Client Mvvm Tests NUnit containing facilities for writing client tests which use NUnit as test provider.
Simple test subject construction.
NUnit assertions for Microsoft.Owin.Security
Assertion methods for JSON comparison
Additional test utilities for testing projects using AFPST.DomainCore.
Simple assertion extensions to aid in testing, stuff that should have been in the BCL but aren't.
A metaheuristics software framework for .NET
Provide base fixtures for easier writing of BDD style unit tests. Dependencies include nUnit, StructureMapAutomocker, Moq
Karma Core famework
FluentSharp is an API that dramatically simplifies the use of .NET Framework APIs.
This is the FluentSharp NUnit which add a fluent APIs to NUnit and helps with TDD development
Contains base test library and helpers
NUnit extensions for PerfUtil
Specflow step definitions to support system testing WPF applications with the White framework
Classes to support unit testing WPF applications, in particular those built with Bsw.Wpf.Utilities