Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NHibernate

Total dependencies: 565

Embedded web NHibernate console for NHibernate 3
BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
A simple implementation of the Specification Pattern using NHibernate QueryOver. Licensed under LGPL.
DCommon data adapter for NHibernate
Provides base implementation for IObjectContext for an NHibernate based context.
NHibernate logger adapter for NLog
Enables using LINQ to query persistent collections
Light implementation of the data access object pattern for NHibernate. Created by Jose F. Romaniello (@jfroma).
This library allows developers to Create, Update, and Delete database schemas based on their hibernate.cfg.xml and *.hmb.xml entity mapping files, and Fluent Mappings stored on project assemblies.
An ActiveRecord pattern implementation for POCOs using NHibernate with emphasize on testability.
NHibernate extension for utilizing System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations validation.
All credit goes to the NH team and others (i.e. LinFu) for the code base. This is just a modification of their code to enable constructor DI and emit verifiable code.
Enables NHibernate to batch commands when using MySQL
This project was created to help developers work with Telerik Grid for ASP.NET MVC providing some mapping techniques to convert Entities objects into ViewModels objects. If you're one of us, you have to implement some sort of "custom binding" methods in order to query the database reporting t...
This project is an NHibernate second-level cache provider for App Fabric. This project is based on the original implementation for the beta versions of AppFabric caching, code named velocity, which can be found at
Grapes it is an utility library which takes care of mapping tree-like data structures into database.
NHibernate solutions for .Net framework