Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NHibernate

Total dependencies: 565

Domain Driven Design Repositories
support multi session factory and mvc3.
Simple NHibernate integration facility for Castle
Common utilities for NHibernate.
NCommon data adapter for NHibernate
Migration generator based on NHiberante.
Extensions of Nhibernate and FluentNhiberate (#foo never uses one without the other...)
Модуль учета рабочего времени Skrv.NuGetPackage
This is simple library to create FluentMigration command from comparision model and database. It's similar to Add-Migration in EF but you have to run it from C# code.
A Nhibernate extension for custom transformers and advanced criteria filters using QBE (query by example).
NHibernate 2nd level cache provider that uses System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache. Supports SqlChangeMonitor and HostFileChangeMonitor. Does not depend on System.Web.dll
Extends NHibernate's high-low key table to provide indexes per entity. Compatible with Firebird, SQLite, SQL Server 2000-2012, SQL Server CE, Oracle, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Apworks NHibernate repository implementation.
Extension to MVC Easy CMS. It allows to store data to MS SQL data base using NHibernate
MS SQL HierarchyId methods support for NHibernate
The Castle NHibernate proxy factory, this is an unofficial version which means it is not supported by the NHibernate team.
Embedded web NHibernate console for NHibernate 2