Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

.NET API for Vault (
The C# port of StringTemplate 4.
Defines core interfaces and types that comprise Microsoft.Diagnostics.EventFlow library.
Google APIs Client Library for working with Appengine v1alpha. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
A .NETStandard port of Iconic.Zlib from DotNetZip project.
Lightweight HL7 2.x library compatible with .Net Standard and .Net Core
Google APIs Client Library for working with Androiddeviceprovisioning v1. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
Google APIs Client Library for working with Language v1beta2. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
.NET driver for Yandex ClickHouse. It implements native ClickHouse protocol with data compression (not a wrapper for HTTP client)
Framework provides mechanism to compare classes, allows override comparison rules for specific properties and types.
This is not the recommended package for working with Bigquerydatatransfer, please use the Google.Cloud.BigQuery.DataTransfer.V1 package. This Google APIs Client Library for working with Bigquerydatatransfer v1 uses older code generation, and is harder to use. Product documentation is av...
This package provides attributes for immutable entities source code generation. This package is part of the Uno.CodeGen to generate immutable entities in your project.
Polly.Caching.Distributed is a plug-in for the .NET OSS resilience library Polly, supporting Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache as a provider for Polly's CachePolicy.
Supported Platforms: • NETStandard • XamariniOS • XamarinAndroid • UWP • NETFramework Load, convert, modify, and save PDF and PDF/A files; also implement advanced PDF capabilities such as extraction of text, hyperlinks, images, annotations, form field data, digital signatures, bookmarks, and metad...
Supported Platforms: • NETStandard • UWP • XamariniOS • XamarinAndroid • NETFramework For over two decades, LEADTOOLS multi-faceted OCR SDK has led the industry in optical character recognition. Using LEAD’s advanced OCR APIs, programmers can write as few as three lines of code to convert an image ...
This client library provides access to the Microsoft Cognitive Services Face APIs.
This client library enables working with the Microsoft Azure Storage Blob service for storing binary and text data. For this release see notes - and ...
Lambda expression to JavaScript converter: converts System.Linq.ExpressionTree to syntactically correct JavaScript code. See the project page for more.
This client library provides access to the Microsoft Cognitive Services Content Moderator APIs.
A powerful Dynamic Sql Query Builder supporting Sql Server, MySql, PostgreSql, Oracle and Firebird