Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Data.HashFunction implementation of CityHash (
A library to convert byte sizes to a human readable form.
An Autofac extension that adds recognition of IOrderedEnumerable<T> as a relationship type, allowing multiple dependencies to be resolved in a guaranteed order.
A Veil parser for the Handlebars template syntax
An easy-to-use and highly optimized template renderer / view engine
A Veil parser for the SuperSimple template syntax
Library for handling browsers bookmarks (supports Netscape bookmarks format)
Data.HashFunction implementation of MurMurHash (
Chatwork API Client
Class library for fluent chaining of ViewModel property notifications. Targets .NET Standard 1.0
A framework for building modular applications.
A dependency injection container for registering and resolving types.
This library allows you to perform physical calculation while retaining unit consistency. Units can be added to the system at any time. Named units can be used to display quantities in a proper format. The system also allows you to parse units expressed in their string format from storage.
A cross-platform library for efficiently serializing basic .NET types. Supports JSON, XML, Bencode, and PBON formats on Windows, Xamarin iOS and Android platforms.
A C# wrapper for the TVDB API. For more information, go to
This project is a port from the Java zmanim-project developed by Eliyahu Hershfeld. The Zmanim ("times" referring to the calculations of time that govern the start and end time of Jewish prayers and holidays) project is a .NET API for generating zmanim from within .NET programs. If you are a non pr...
A local multi-dimensional analytic collection.
NLipsum : Lorem Ipsum (Lipsum) Generator and Library for the .NET Framework (C#)
A Partial Key Verification (PKV) .NET Standard 1.0 library that generates software license keys using the PKV technique.