Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

A super-simple fluent API for redirecting legacy routes in ASP.NET Core MVC
EnsureFramework is designed to take the pain out of null checking and making sure (ensuring) your methods are being used the way they were intended and throwing exceptions when unsupported values are passed to them. You can make sure values are in a specific range or simply make sure that an argume...
CQRS for netstandard1.1 compliant projects !
CSharp command line argument system. Documentation:
AspNetCoreNoCache is an ASP.NET Core solution which ensures that http responses are not cached.
A lightweight event distribution and consumption for .net applications.
C# core class library (.Net Core).
C# base class library (.Net Core).
C# time utility library (.Net Core).
Renders HTML pager, works nicely with Bootstrap CSS
Eventual conventsions
Patch Serialization Library for the .Net
Provides base classes to automagically parse concrete types (and primitives) to/from a string. Custom types can easily be created to validate the given string against a regular expression, so you know the string is "correct".
ASP.NET Core GZipCompression Middleware compresses the body of requests in GZIP format if the request accept.
This is a duplication of MasterCard-Match, but has compatibility to .NET Core.
The ServiceBridge library contains shared classes for service registration and service resolution to provides an abstraction over IoC containers.
Google ReCaptcha v2.0 for .NET Core
A library to help encapsulate linq queries
HttpLoadTesting http load generator framework