Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Powerful Xamarin Forms barcode scanning library using GoogleVision API for Android and iOS.
Trading and algorithmic trading platform (stock markets, forex, bitcoins and options). .NET API for InteractiveBrokers, GainCapital, OANDA, FIX/FAST, Binance etc. More info on web site SDK for .NET
Google APIs Client Library for working with Content v2.1. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
This library provides the ability to render an Adaptive Card into HTML, typically used for server-side card rendering
Google APIs Client Library for working with Cloudresourcemanager v2. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
This is not the recommended package for working with Dialogflow, please use the Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.V2 package. This Google APIs Client Library for working with Dialogflow v2 uses older code generation, and is harder to use. Product documentation is available at: https://cloud...
Google APIs Client Library for working with Serviceusage v1beta1. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
Google APIs Client Library for working with Serviceconsumermanagement v1. Product documentation is available at: API reference documentation for this package is available at:
Compression (Deflate / GZip) module for Microsoft OWIN self host web server. With this module you can compress, deflate / gzip large files (like concatenated *.js or *.css files) to reduce amount of web traffic.
Log exception details and custom properties that are not output in Exception.ToString().
CorrelatorSharp, a set of tools for adding correlation identifiers for actions performed by users and machine across your applications. Your one stop shop for context-aware logging and diagnostics.
The official Language Integrated Query (LINQ) provider for querying Couchbase Server with N1QL using the Couchbase .NET SDK 3.4 and greater.
Transport model in DotNetty
General purpose codecs for DotNetty
Application handlers for DotNetty
A generic weak event implementation.
NuGet v3 core library.
Azure Key Vault enables users to store and use cryptographic keys within the Microsoft Azure environment. Azure Key Vault supports multiple key types and algorithms and enables the use of Hardware Security Modules (HSM) for high value customer keys. In addition, Azure Key Vault allows users to secur...
This package provides a low-level .NET (ECMA-335) metadata reader and writer. It's geared for performance and is the ideal choice for building higher-level libraries that intend to provide their own object model, such as compilers. The metadata format is defined by the ECMA-335 - Common Language Inf...