Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MonoGame.Framework.WindowsDX
Total dependencies: 85
MonoGame integration with WPF. This package provides the D3D11Host from the MonoGame WpfInteropSample. It extends it with WpfGame, WpfMouse and WpfKeyboard and makes it actually usable in any WPF application.
Supports .Net 4.5.2, .Net Core 3.1 and .Net 5
A very simple MonoGame library that sits and listens for coin drops (keyboard press, etc.) and tracks number of credits.
Library for parsing BulletML xml files. Used for scripting bullet patterns in shmup games.
Monogame library for circle/line and tunnel-free circle/circle collision detection.
A MonoGame library for sorting the draw order of 2d objects
Provides classes to use Monogame graphics with the primal framework.
Several extension methods for the MonoGame Matrix class
MonoGame library for drawing primitive shapes
MonoGame module for Gemini, providing WPF integration for MonoGame content.
Inspector.MonoGame module for Gemini, adding editors for MonoGame types to the Inspector module.
Simple MonoGame library for a rectangle that uses float values instead of int
Add bloom effect to MonoGame projects
MonoGame library for microphone management
Simple topmost semi-transparent window using MonoGame
A module for turning XNA and MonoGame's polling model for user input into an event-driven model. Subscribe to the events that you're interested and be told when they occur.
A 2D deferred-rendered .NET game engine designed for programmers with advanced lighting, shadows, and physics.