Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MongoDB.Driver

Total dependencies: 1464

ASP.NET Core Identity Extension using Mongo DB as storage
Generic DAO abstraction layer for MongoDB
Dnx.Identity.MongoDB Class Library
MongoDB Support for storing keys
A MongoDb implementation of the Orleans Providers. This includes the Membership (IMembershipTable and IGatewayListProvider), Reminder (IReminderTable), MongoStatisticsPublisher and IStorageProvider providers.
config like: <appender name="TestMongoAppender" type="log4net.extension.mongo.DefaultMongoAppender, log4net.extension.mongo"> <param name="DatabaseName" value="log4neteExt" /> <param name="CollectinName" value="TestLog" /> <param name="ConnectionString" value="mongodb://127.0.0...
Implementing the Repository pattern for use MongoDb
CosmosDB (MongoDB) database provider for Weapsy.Cqrs event store.
A MongoDB connection client for .Net
Provider for MongoDb in Chakra.Core Framework
Core Communication protocol for 600-series pumps.
Extension destination for TacitusLogger that sends logs to MongoDb database. Attention: TacitusLogger.Destinations.MongoDb is currently in Alpha phase. This means you should not use it in any production code.
Package Description
Provides a MongoDB repository and serialization methods for persisting GFX objects in MongoDB. Graphflex is an alternative data serialization framework using a strongly typed, expressive but concise vocabulary.
Publishes logs from an application instance in a standard way to a mongo db instance where they are consumed by the hunter ui. Its part of the hunter centralized logging platform.