Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MongoDB.Driver

Total dependencies: 1464

A mongodb provider for the new ASP.NET Identity framework. My aim is to ensure this project is well tested and configurable.
Allows you to utilize the Mongo database with ASP .NET Identity
Gunnsoft API
A library with repository interfaces for using NoSQL
MongoDb storage provider for generic OData API implementation
MongoCRUD is a high level library to make easy basic operations like create, update, update partial by query, upsert, delete, delete by query, get, search with paging and sorting, and filter buiders.
Projeto open-source desenvolvido em .NET Core. Este projeto visa ser código base para aplicações, contendo abstrações e interfaces preparadas para futuros desenvolvimentos da comunidade. Recursos de Dados.
Easy to use mongo repository
A MongoDb repository pattern implementation.
This is a MongoDB CRUD operation library where easily connect with MongoDB and perform CRUD operation and some awesome features.
MongoDB.Driver helper middleware for AspNetCore, AspIdentity and IdenitityServer4
Mongo repository for the FastDFS
SaanSoft.AspNet.Identity3.MongoDB: A MongoDB implementation for Microsoft.AspNet.Identity database layer.
A mongoDb provider for Core 2.0, allows you to create MongoDb's contexts, repositories and integrate with Identity.
Smartunicom Shared Library - Data.Storage
MongoDB data store adaptor for ASP.NET Core Identity
Flexberry ORM MongoDbDataService Package.
C Sharp Librabry for perfoming CRUD Operations Over MONGO DB
This is a fork of RobIII's MongoRepository that targets MongoDB.Driver 2.x. RobIII's MongoRepository is an easy-to-use library that implements the repository pattern on top of Official MongoDB C# driver.