Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MongoDB.Bson

Total dependencies: 438

Package Description
ModelBinder for Azure Function
Simple way to capture MQTT payloads and save it on MongoDB organized by timestamp. With MongoDb installed the usage is simple, just var m2m = new Mqtt2Mongo() and Start(), then configure the mqtt2mongo.conf file located on your application BaseDirectory (you need to run it once in order to have the...
Bdaya blockchain unit of work for managing blokchain
A .Net tool to compare 2 MongoDB collections.
Cache Provider that utilizes the Mongo Database
Mongo Repository layer for basic mongo CRUD operations
MongoDB for ASP.NET Identity
Base infrastracture
A .NET logger implementation for logging to MongoDB
A .NET logger implementation for logging to MongoDB
An easier way to integrate MongoDB.
Generic DAO abstraction layer for MongoDB
Official MongoDB.Bson package contains no preconfigured serializers supporting typical F# types. This package tries to close the gap
A MongoLibrary for C#
A MongoDB connection client for .Net