Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MongoDB.Bson

Total dependencies: 438

Cars Event Store implementation with MongoDB
MongoDB generic client for .Net Core.
This is a library that provides logging for .NET Core 2.0 applications. It gives the option of logging to Disk, SQL database or MongoDb. It also has a find method that can be used to search for logs based on time range, partial message string, log type (Exception, Error, Warning, Information).
AspNetCoreLogging is an ASP.NET logging solution capable of logging application messages to a Mongo Collection, Azure Blob Storage or the Debug Window.
EnjoyCQRS.EventStore.MongoDB is an Event Store implementation using MongoDB.
Netfox.Repository is a lightweight data management framework for MongoDB supporting document state tracking and simple memory object cache.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be serialized/deserialized using MongDB's new serialization library.
Plugins and utility classes for REST API projects using Mono, ServiceStack, MongoDB and RQL
Allows you to utilize the Mongo database with ASP .NET Identity
The C# integration testing library for self-initializing fakes with MongoDB.
Package Description
Package Description
Bson serialization and MongoDB query rendering for NMoney
DataBse.MongoDb is a class library tool that connects to MySql database by using Dapper driver
Nesse pacote contém objetos DFe para persistência no Mongo e Elastic.
Provides a MongoDB repository and serialization methods for persisting GFX objects in MongoDB. Graphflex is an alternative data serialization framework using a strongly typed, expressive but concise vocabulary.
Custom attributes for model validation