Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure

Total dependencies: 622

K0NRT15 Core App Global Toolkit
K0NRT15 Core App Google Toolkit
MVC Layer
Allow push elmah notifications to slack channel
Core Template
FormSite Template
The CAPI API project
Dynamic Controls for MVC
C# .Net client library for Qmuli Ad.lib.
SiglaTech library created to customise web authentication
WebCodeHelp - a new way to help update .net web code applications to support web standards.
ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET MVC extensibility point, which allows your IoC Container to rule everywhere.
ASP.NET MVC Extensions is framework developed on top of ASP.NET MVC extensibility point, which allows your IoC Container to rule everywhere.
ASP.NET WEB程序的优化功能,可以优化js/css文件。而且可以对原文件名进行加密。当你发布后,访问资源将自动压缩混淆代码。再次访问将从缓存中读取。 使用方法:Web.config中:<add namespace="ExfSoft.Web.Optimization"/>; 网页中: @Scripts.Render("~/packages/jquery") @Scripts.Build("~/Scripts/abc-{version}.js") @Scripts.Build("~/Scripts/test1.js", new { attr = "value" }) @Styles.Bui...
ASP.NET Optimization introduces a way to bundle and optimize css/js files.
Bifrost is a platform designed to build Line of Business applications without sacrificing architectural quality, code quality or scalability.