Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Owin.Security

Total dependencies: 674

sina weibo oauth for ms owin
OWIN OAuth Provider for SMSGH Unity Platform. This is an easy-to-use plugin for ASP.NET applications that uses SMSGH Unity's OAuth as its authentication and authorization portal.
Extensible versions of common Owin Oauth Middleware (Facebook, Google, Microsoft, etc) that allow for multi-tenant and other complex scenarios.
Extensible Owin OAuth Middleware
MongoDb implementation of IAuthenticationSessionStore
OWIN middleware to support Jasig CAS
Middleware that enables an application to support MyMail OAuth authentication workflow.
Baidu OAuth For ASP.NET.
Core server components for ASP.NET SignalR.
OWIN middleware to support Jasig CAS Enhanced
Web Application
Patched version of Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies to backport into 3.0.1
This package is part of the Azure Mobile .NET Server SDK and provides authentication features. To learn more about Azure Mobile, go to
Code to allow Umbraco 7.7.2+ to use MembershipProvider-based providers for Active Directory authentication.
Website Framework fo L3 Applications
Web API client library for accessing L3 AppServer